
Whether you are an Independent Physician or Larger Medical Group; proper patient engagement is critical. In a changing healthcare landscape, health outcomes have never been more important. Our professional services group offers Providers a flexible call center solution that can help support, engage, educate and retain patients while improving overall health outcomes.

Going through any injury or illness can be a scary life changing event for many patients and their families. Far too often, patients are sent home from the clinic or hospital after a diagnosis or medical event with little to no knowledge of proper treatments or condition management strategies.

In many cases patients will turn to the web or family and friends for advice. While helpful in nature the truth is that these patients may be getting misinformation or bad advice that ultimately creates a larger issue. Through proper communication and preventative health screenings, we can help increase adherence and create healthier patients while reducing healthcare costs.

With more regulation and performance based payment structures, Providers are being tasked with more than ever before. SOS understands these challenges and has solutions to help. 

A 2013 Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) report, listed medical negligence as the 3rd leading cause of death behind only heart disease and cancer. According the same report, in 2013 over $3B was spent in medical malpractice payouts, averaging a payout every 43 seconds.

The University of Michigan ran a study that showed if providers simply communicated better with their patients that they could greatly reduce their risk of Medical Malpractice. 
Our Post Care and Educational outreaches are designed to help reduce this risk for Providers and increase patient loyalty, care outcomes and service reimbursements. 

  • ACO Satisfaction Surveys
  • Appointment Scheduling
  • Turning 65 Retention
  • Meaningful Use Adherence
  • Post Care Assessments
  • ​Health Risk Assessments
  • Fax Attestation 
  • Dual Education
  • ​And more

We understand that your Medical Group is busy and often there are limited resources available to follow up with patients and meet critical requirements like completing ACO satisfaction surveys or Meaningful Use adherence. 

Whether you are a large Medical Group or small practice, SOS can help. We offer providers with transparent services and compliant solutions designed to better engage and educate patients.

SOS offers everything from virtual office assistance, inbound scheduling to more critical support needs like Post Care assessments and Re-Admission Reduction support.

To learn more, contact us today!

  • Payers and Providers use SOS because we are responsive, transparent and effective. Our history of communicating with Medicare, Medicaid, Dual, SNP and Commercial populations has created a robust working environment.
  • Using compliant facilities and expert staffing, we are able to help our clients capture
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